Rules FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions:

Got a question about the rules?  Post it in the comments below - Read the rules first -
I will strive to keep this FAQ updated with answers to legitimate questions.

Q. What is the HP stat on ships?
A. HP stands for Hard Points, in Wing Commander games, hardpoints is where the weapons are mounted.  So a ship with HP 4 has 4 blaster spots.  NP ships have all of those slots full, so a Dralthi (HP 3) has 3 Tachyon cannons.

Q. Does Fleeing take a speed of movement?
A. No it does not.  It is a legitimate move your maximum speed, get into a scrap, and run away to get an extra jumpgate under your belt.

Q. With the trader ability, is the bonus applied to every commodity?
A. The trader's ability benefits every commodity sold, AFTER your second.  So selling 3 of the same commodity gives you +1, selling 4 gives you +2, etc...

Q. How do I make friends with the Syndicate?
A. Bring them Contraband, or find a mission from them in the mission deck

Q. Where can I get missiles?
A. Anywhere you can go to a shipyard will sell you missiles.  You cannot put missiles on neutral ships though, that is prohibited by the Confed and enforced on all planets in the Quadrant.  Faction ships however can fit up to 2 missiles or torpedoes.

Q. In a fight with 2 other NP ships, hostile to eachother as well as me, who do they shoot at?
A. Another player will make that decision, and they can target anyone hostile to the ship.  If you're playing solo, YOU.

Known Issues with the Vassal Module:

  • There is a stacking issue where ships will go behind planets, and shield modules will go behind ship cards.  The temporary fix is to select the visible card, and use the arrow keys to make the piece behind it show up.  Or move the top card.
  • Credits can be a pain to make, and the numbers only add up to 10.  Temporary fix: by placing credit tokens next to each other, they can serve as digit place holders.  So 1,2 would be 12 credits. Or you can just make 1, 3, 5 and 10 tokens.

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